The CLASS Project is now complete. The final report is available here.
Coordinators Leading Advancement of Sessional Staff (CLASS) is a project that has been funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC). The project aims to support and enhance subject coordinators' leadership and management of sessional teaching teams by developing quality processes, practices and resources that can be used across institutions.
The project builds on a key finding from the RED Report that subject coordinators have little support for developing their leadership and management of sessional teaching staff despite the fact that sessional teachers are critical in ensuring quality learning experiences for students.
The CLASS project will:
- develop contextually appropriate resources for coordinators to use in their leadership and management of sessional teaching teams
- enhance coordinators' capacity to lead their teaching teams in the context of their own subjects.
- engage coordinators in reflective practices about their own leadership development within a collegial and supportive network of peers.
- establish and disseminate good practice models for leadership and management of sessional teaching teams
- identify and promote the alignment between policy and practice.

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CLASS Website by http://classleadership.com/ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.