The CLASS project (LE9-1212) addresses the development of leadership capacity of subject coordinators in leading and managing a teaching team, particularly with regard to sessional staff. The project will target both professional development and resource development as a means of improving leadership practice.
Project implementation occurs in four phases:
Phase 1: focused on generating a collection of resources for subject coordinators and sessional staff and developing the workshop program.
Phase 2: focused on trialling and evaluating the workshop program with coordinators from the four pilot institutions. During Semester 2, 2010 coordinators engaged in action learning initiatives that were designed to provide opportunities for them to practice strategies in leading and managing teaching teams. An overview of the action learning projects is available:
- University of Wollongong overview of action learning initiatives
- University of Technology Sydney overview of action learning initiatives
- University of Western Sydney overview of action learning initiatives
- Australian Catholic University overview of action learning initiatives
Phase 3:engaged a new cohort of participants from a further twenty-five institutions across Australia. These participants engaged in five state-based full day subject coordinator and half day facilitator workshops that were held at the Institute for Interactive Media and Learning, at the University of Technology, Sydney; The Centre for Learning and Professional Development at The University of Adelaide; the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning at University of Western Australia; the Office of Teaching Quality at Queensland University of Technology and the Convention Centre at Victoria University.
Phase 4: continues the Program within the partner institutions. Resources will be refined and networks established using a Communities of Practice model.